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Cancel an RSVP

To cancel a RSVP for yourself:

  1. Navigate to the event you can no longer attend.
  2. Locate your name in the Event RSVP table and click the Action Menu on the far right.
  3. Select Decline RSVP.
  4. You will receive an email confirming your cancellation and will be removed from the Event RSVP table.

To cancel a RSVP for a contact or guest:

  1. Navigate to the event they can no longer attend.
  2. Locate their name in the Event RSVP table and click the Action Menu on the far right.
  3. Select Decline RSVP.
  4. They will receive an email confirming the cancellation and will be removed from the Event RSVP table.

Event Cancellation

On the rare occasion we need to cancel or postpone an event you have confirmed attendance for, you will be sent all the relevant information via email and the status of the event will be updated on the Portal.