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Virtual Leased Lines (VLLs)

Virtual Leased Lines (VLLs)

Virtual Leased Lines provide a point-to-point Layer 2 connectivity circuit between two ports. This can be between a member’s own ports, or between ports belonging to different members. VLLs can be extended between any two ports on any IX.

Note: You need an active Service Port before you can order VLL services.

Ordering a VLL Service

  1. Navigate to the Services > Service Ports page and select the port you would like to add the VLL connection to by clicking View.
  2. Click the Add Connection button and select Virtual Leased Lines.

    Add VLL

  3. Use an internal reference for your Service Name.

  4. Provide VLAN Tagging details if required.
  5. Start typing the Target Member name and select the correct one when it shows in the drop down list.
  6. Select a Target Port from the drop down list.
  7. Add in any relevant notes or information.
  8. (If required) Enter your MAC address and the target port MAC address.
  9. Enter your speed (in Mbps) or use the slider to select.
  10. Review the path and fee.
  11. Click Order Connection.
  12. Your VLL details will be displayed, in a Pending Approval status, within the port they’ve been ordered against and on the VLLs page. Please review all the details by clicking View.
  13. If the VLL Service is to another member's port, the target member will receive an email asking them to approve the VLL Service order to their port. The order must be approved by the target member before it can proceed.
  14. You will receive an email confirmation of your order when it’s submitted and a second email when the order has been completed. The status will update within the Portal as your VLL service is being processed.

Editing a VLL Service

A VLL Service's attributes, such as VLAN ID or speed, can be changed via the portal. To edit a VLL Service:

  1. Locate the VLL Service to be edited:

    1. Navigate to the VLLs page and click View on the VLL Service you wish to edit, or:
    2. Navigate to the Services > Ports page, click View on the port the VLL Service is assigned to, then click View on the VLL Service you wish to edit.
  2. Click the Action Menu and select Edit Service.

    Action Menu

  3. Make your changes, then click Save Changes.

    Edit VLL

  4. The status of the VLL Service will change to Change Request - Pending Approval, and a new Change Request will appear under Pending Changes.

    Change Request

  5. Once the Change Request has been processed, the status of the Service Port will return to Live, and the Change Request will move to Completed Changes.

    Change Request Completed

Migrating a VLL Service

A VLL Service can be migrated, with the following conditions:

  • Both the current port and the target port must be active.
  • The target port must not already host a service with the same VLAN ID as the VLL Service to be migrated.

To migrate a VLL Service:

  1. Locate the VLL Service to be migrated:

    1. Navigate to the Services > VLLs page and click View on the VLL Service you wish to migrate, or:
    2. Navigate to the Services > Ports page, click View on the port the VLL Service is assigned to, then click View on the VLL Service you wish to migrate.
  2. Click the Action Menu and select Migrate Service.

    Action Menu

  3. Select the target port for the migration, edit the VLAN ID and MAC address as required, then click Create.

    Migrate VLL

  4. The status of the VLL Service will change to Change Request - Pending Approval, and a new Change Request will appear under Pending Changes.

    Change Request

  5. Once the Change Request has been processed, the status of the Service Port will return to Live, and the Change Request will move to Completed Changes.

    Change Request Completed

Cancelling a VLL Service

  1. Locate the VLL Service to be cancelled:

    1. Navigate to Services > VLLs and click View on the VLL you wish to cancel, or:
    2. Navigate to the Services > Service Ports page, click View on the port the VLL relates to, then click View on the VLL you wish to cancel.
  2. Click the Action Menu and select Cancel VLL:

    Cancel VLL

  3. Cancellation date will default to + 30 days in compliance with our cancellation policy.

  4. Please add any further information or notes that are required.
  5. Click Cancel Service.
  6. You will receive an email confirmation of your cancellation when it’s submitted and a second email when it has been completed. The status will update within the Portal as your VLL cancellation is being processed.